Thursday, August 21, 2014

Thanks to All

Thanks to all of my students who wrote comments, made cards, or prayed for my family during our time of loss. This has been a hard time for my family, and a hard time for all of you dealing with a sub everyday! Hopefully, everything will begin to settle down now into a steady routine for all of us. You have all been so sweet, I thank you again!


Mrs. Morton

Friday, August 8, 2014

Missing in Action?

Boys and girls, I am so sorry that I was unable to answer your texts last night, but I was at the emergency room with my father, who had had a stroke. Although I can not be there with you today, I have sent Coach Morton, my son, to sub for me in my absence. He knows everything we are doing and trying to accomplish this week. Please show him what great classes you are! I will let you know in my Sunday post if I will back on Monday, or if Coach Morton will be subbing again. Please keep our family in your thoughts.


Mrs. Morton

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Just a Few Sites to Get You Started

I Did It!

I did it! I was able to say almost every student's name today! I couldn't believe it! I'l get EVERYONE tomorrow!

Guess what we heard at the faculty meeting today? Mr. Page is arranging a number of days that will be designated as "jeans" day. If you work hard enough, or do something that a teacher wants to reward as outstanding, you can earn a free jeans day coupon from your teachers! Isn't that a great reward? We sure thought so.

In some of our classes today we researched Roman symbols for our little Symbol project that we are starting on Friday. In fact, a number of students chose their symbol already. If you look them up at home, that's great, but you don't have to do it at home. In fact, I'd prefer that we do it in the classroom because I want to make sure everyone has a different symbol. I am writing student choices down next to the names on my class rosters to ensure there is no duplication. You must also research the facts about your symbol. These are going to look so great on our walls!

Hope everyone had a great day; don't forget your composition books for tomorrow.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Day 2

Day 2 was just as great as Day 1! Goodness this is a great group of students we've got this year! I'm even starting to learn some of your names! Yay!!

Tomorrow we will continue taking notes on the Fall of the Roman Empire, then we will begin work on creating our Roman symbol project.

Have a good evening and get plenty of rest so your brains can be focused all day!

Monday, August 4, 2014

Welcome New Seventh Graders!

You made it! This is the place to come to get all the news and information you need for your social studies class. It is here that I will be sending home information, reminding you of tests, quizzes, projects and homework. It is also here that I will post study guides, etc.

I was so happy meeting you all today. I can not tell you what a great impression you all made on your new teachers! It was all we could talk about after school.

Remember, this is the information you need to know for today:

my email address for you to use:
my cell phone # for texts only: 901-347-9932
the main blog web address:
your supplies:
1)  2 black and white marbled composition books (actually, they can be any color or print as long they are REAL composition books - no 3-ring, no metal spirals)
2)  3 packs of index cards
3) 1 pack of glue sticks
4) colored pencils (share with math)
5) highlighter and whiteout (for all classes)
6) hand-held pencil sharpener if you use real pencils instead of mechanical
7) 1 folder with metal brad fasteners down the middle

Hope you all had a great day, and I'll see you tomorrow! Don't forget to comment! Each ten days the plusses and minuses for comments will constitute one participation/responsibility grade. See you tomorrow!