Thursday, December 17, 2015

National History Bee

We will be participating in the National History Bee on January 4 through January 22. If you are interesting in participating, bone up over the break on your American history because that is where the majority of questions come from. Geography (both world and U.S.) has been important in the past, as well. The following sites should help you over break:

Sources online:

These are good resources if you are interested.

Monday, November 30, 2015

Online Textbook Sign-up!!

Instructions to sign up for online textbook:

Go to :
2. Go to New Users Create An Account
3. use this Repemption Code to register and get access:


4. Fill in ONLY your First Name and Last Initial
5. Print the account info they create for you and place it somewhere safe; if you lose it I won’t have a copy

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Update for: Medieval China Study Guide

I have changed the Study Guide into a PDF document instead of a Word document. This should enable everyone to see and print it. Let me know if it still doesn't work. Just scroll back down to where the old one was and that's where I put the new one.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

We're Right in the Middle of Medieval China

Just to recap: you have all decided that you like the Learning Menus far and away more than doing your textbook work the old fashioned way! I can't help but smile at that since so many of you complained about the Learning Menus!!!

So, all Chapter 8 questions, vocabulary, essays and reviews are due on Monday, November 16th. Then, we will review for the test on Tuesday and Wednesday, and the test will take place on Thursday. Please, no begging for negotiations on that day! We have to move on to Medieval Japan and the Samurai!

Next week, I will give you a study guide and post it here on the blog, as well.


Image result for medieval chinese picture

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Fixed the Access Problem

I have reset the access problem to the study guide. Everyone can access it now! Sorry!

Study Guide for 3 African Kingdoms Test

Test on Monday, November 2, 2015. Be prepared folks and USE THIS STUDY GUIDE!!

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Due Dates

None of the packets you are currently working on will be due until the Friday after fall break. I forgot about us taking the MIST state test for two days this week; and, that really cramps our timeline. So, it won't be due until Friday, Oct. 23rd.

However, your foldable and your original Islamic packet ARE due this Friday.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Don't Forget!

If you are in third period, your vocabulary test is tomorrow. Every other period has the map test tomorrow. Refer to the map key a few posts down from here.

We Are Going to Make A Wordle Collage!

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Army Brings Camels From the Middle East to America in the 1850's

"The Camels Are Coming," 1927

You'll Know Why I'm Posting This :)

The Map Key for Thursday's Map Test

Please Study!!!!!

 *Note - the last "n" has been cut off in the photo of the key for the word Afghanistan which is Reference country #2 at the bottom right of the page.

Correcting Our Five Pillars Quiz

Our Islamic Vocabulary Test Today

I am so proud that most of you shared with me how much you studied for the vocabulary test today! And I know how happy third period was to have their test delayed until tomorrow due to the March of Dimes presentation in the auditorium!

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Vocab Revisited

Don't forget to revisit the vocabulary testing site I gave you about seven posts ago. It will be of the utmost importance that you practice it!

Map Sites to Practice for Your Map Test

Test Reminders!

You need to take your CC Assessment of the Fall of Rome on Study Island tonight. DO NOT FORGET!!

Tuesday, September 29 - Vocabulary Test for the World of Islam Unit

Wednesday, September 30 - Arab Empires Quiz

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

The State of Tennessee Will Review Social Studies Standards Yet Again

B. Fielding Rolston
Chair, Tennessee State Board of Education
Mr. Rolston wrote an article for The Tennessean, the Nashville morning paper, about our state standards. According to Mr. Rolston, there has been such a statewide uproar over our standards, that they must revisit them again. Please click the following link and read the article for class discussion, and encourage your parents to read the article, as well. 

Monday, September 21, 2015

Vocabulary Test Link

Click on the following link to practice for your Islam Unit vocabulary test. You can play games, create flashcards, practice in any number of ways until we take the test next Tuesday.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Vocabulary Activities

Here is one of our new vocabulary activities. We'll be using this for the rest of the year, so I am placing a copy on the blog for all those who will ask me for another copy in the future!

For All Those Who Will Need to Access From Home

This is our vocabulary list for the Islam Unit for anyone who forgot a folder at school:

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Our First Map of the Middle East


In case you lose it, or dog eats, or your little brother or sister colors all over it and shreds it into tiny pieces....Here's a back-up map! Its a pdf document, so you should be able to print it from home if you want to.

The World of Islam

We have entered into the world of ancient Islam this week, and in view of recent news headlines, I felt like I needed to reiterate to all students what I said in class yesterday:

We are in the business of studying history in this classroom, not religion. Our studies will be focused on culture, scientific, and architectural accomplishments, as well as the progression of the many empires of this world. However, we do have to understand what THEY believe, as far as their religion is concerned since it colors so much of their culture and decision-making. This decision comes from the State of Tennessee Department of Education; not Victoria Morton, Shawn Page, or the SCS Board of Education. I am simply presenting the material that they require in order that your students are prepared for the end of grade testing. Since this is the largest unit we cover, I feel certain that it will be addressed on the test.
Suleiman the Great of the Ottoman Empire

Yesterday, we discussed how the Five Pillars of Islam are the five basic principles of their religion, just as the Ten Commandments are the guiding principles of Christianity and Judaism. However, just because we discuss what they believe religiously, does not mean that anyone in the class is required to believe that it's true. It is simply a fact that these are the Five Pillars of Islam and we have to memorize it as a fact, not take it on as own belief. 

Hope we all understand where we stand with this issue -this is about knowing what another culture believes, not necessarily agreeing with it. 

Help! I've Got a Wish List!

When I told the kids about how much paper it takes to keep us going each week, and how I will probably have to dip into in my pocketbook for the rest of the semester to fulfill how much 156 students require, they immediately said, "You need a wish list!" I didn't really know what a wish list was, because I've never used one! However, my third period girls assure me this is the thing to do. So, here goes....Here is my wish list:

Paper, Paper and more Paper!

If anyone can help with this, it would be most appreciated!! And, thank you in advance!
The coffers are bare!