Tuesday, September 30, 2014

What's Coming...

Well, so far on the re-take today almost everyone has raised their grade! Yay!!!! I've never seen so many 100's!

Tomorrow, those students who still need to take the Rise of Islam II will take that quiz. The remainder of the classes will work on their group presentation for the Cultural Fair. Whereas we thought we would do the Cultural Fair on Wednesday, I believe we will have to wait till the Tuesday after fall break because some groups really need more time. We will work on group projects through Thursday, then on Friday we have the Walkathon, so all classes will have an activity schedule and reduced class time.

Courtesy Survival 2012

Monday, September 29, 2014


Students and parents - Please read this important announcement.

I gave all students a copy of the actual test for today on Friday. We spent time checking on answers, looking in our notes and double-checking the information in the text book. Students all knew that the test would be today. Three quarters of all those tested made a D or an F. WHY?

The most oft repeated answer to that question today was: I forgot. How does someone forget a test?

There is a re-test tomorrow. I would like to advise all who did not study for today, to study for the re-test for tomorrow. I was sorely disappointed in my precious ones today.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Upcoming News...

On Thursday, all of the Falcons Social Studies classes will participate in creating an Islamic Cultural Fair to present to their fellow classmates. I'm excited to see what types of ideas the students brainstorm to make their presentations; I have an extraordinarily ingenious group this year who never fails to surprise and impress! Thursday should be the beginning of some fun for a few days. Below, you will find a PBS sponsored Islamic game entitled, The Hunt for the Noor Stone. Have a go at it, and try it out!

Try This Game From PBS Independent Lens

Hunt for the Noor Stone

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Rise of Islam II

Here is the second set of flashcards! Hope you enjoy them. This is an easy way to learn!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

The Model/Exemplar for The Barbarian Collage

This is my model for you to use as a guide. You need at least 20 pictures in various sizes, as well as twenty words in interesting fonts that tell the story of the tribe. We will finish these up in class tomorrow, unless I have over-achievers who want to do it tonight!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

What's New This Week?

We're in the library today and tomorrow working on our Barbarian Collages. Hopefully, this will speed our process up and we can finish by Thursday. Can't wait to see them!

On Thursday, we will begin taking notes on the Ottoman Empire. This is a fascinating period of history that focuses on the growth of what used to be known primarily as Persia, and the empire they created, as well as the Crusades. Below you will note the flag of the Ottoman Empire.

Ottoman Empire Flag

Can you discover what the symbols on this flag mean?

Can You Name the Sultans of the Ottoman Empire?  Try this game!

We will not be testing on this material until the end of next week. See you in the library!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

This Week in Social Studies

We welcome our parents to the blog today. This week we wave a number of important activities going on. Today was Re-Take Day. Anyone who made a poor grade on the tests last week re-tested today. That is always my policy. However, on the re-test, the highest you can make is an 80.

We are working on our Roman Trade Maps this week; finishing our Roman symbols; and collecting pictures and words for our Barbarian collages. By Thursday, we will be leaving Ancient Rome and headed for Ancient Islam.

Parents, please be apprised of the fact that your student needed two bound composition books for my class, as well as a three brad folder. We are in the fifth week of school, and some students still don't have this items. Thank you in advance for helping them have what they need to be successful in Social Studies.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at mortonvm@scsk12.org.

Can't wait to see you at open house, parents!